

A light touch therapy to help

  • decrease pain
  • release body tension
  • Improve Whole body WELLNESS

How Can Craniosacral

Therapy Help You?


Craniosacral Therapy can alleviate a wide variety of discomforts and dysfunctions. These include and not limited to headaches, TMJ, low back pain, sciatica, post-op adhesions, tinnitus, forceps/suction delivery, concussions, bowel/bladder problems, and emotional imbalances.


Fascia surrounds everything in the body. It‘s job is to hold the body‘s bones, ligaments, tendons, organs, and membranes in their place for their designed function. Restrictions within the fascia limit mobility and can become painful. With craniosacral therapy, these restrictions are found and restored to improve mobility and discomfort.


The human body wants to self-heal and correct itself inherently. I listen to your concerns and locations of your discomforts. My hands are placed where they will be the most good. This may or may not be in the same reported location. By intentionally being present with you, asking what your body needs, and guided by your body’s wisdom, I facilitate you in your own healing process and wellness journey

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy always improves fluid movement throughout all the body systems. By doing this it enhances the supply of nutrients to cells; removal of toxins from tissues; circulation of immune cells to enhance the body’s natural defense against bacteria and viruses; and movement of cerebrospinal fluid. Cerebrospinal fluid is continuously flowing in and out of the craniosacral system. This flow has a scientifically proven rhythm to it. This rhythm has particular characteristics that gives insight to how and where the body needs attention. This rhythm is what is felt by the practitioner’s hands and is the foundation of craniosacral therapy.

My practice of Craniosacral Therapy is not meant to serve as an alternative to appropriate conventional medical treatment. Instead it is complementary to it.


The Craniosacral System

The craniosacral system houses a tough, waterproof covering that spans from the cranium (head), along the spinal cord, down to the sacrum (tailbone). Hence, the blending of these words gives the name craniosacral. An important function of this system is the production, circulation, and reabsorption of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This fluid provides continuous nourishment for the brain and spinal cord, serves as a shock-absorbing fluid to protect the brain and spinal cord from jolts, and helps regulate the nervous system properly. This intimate link to the nervous system makes it essential to care for the fascial coverings and fluids within the craniosacral system.

The central nervous system controls everything the body does. A component of the central nervous system operates without any conscious thought. This division of the nervous system has two parts. The sympathetic part causes the body to respond to danger, stress, anger and ecstasy. The parasympathetic part helps the body in times of rest, sleep, food digestion and elimination.

Every day the body endures stresses and strains that it must work to compensate for. This amplified stress can take a toll on the body and mind. Prolonged stress keeps the sympathetic nervous system turned on far longer than necessary. This can negatively influence the craniosacral system causing tightening of tissues and unwanted symptoms.

Fortunately, light and gentle use of the practitioner’s hands help detect restrictions and help with self-correction of the body’s craniosacral system.

Photo of Mountains During Sunset
Photo of Mountains During Sunset

Meeting You

Where You Are

I establish rapport with your body’s innate intelligence via the tissues, fluids, energetic qualities, and motions in order to offer what your body is asking. Most people state feeling an overall relaxation. Others describe feeling unwinding sensations in their body during their session, and others say they stand more upright afterwards. What you experience during a CST session is highly individual.

Imagery, sounds, and visions of colors can occur during any session. You may even recall circumstances surrounding a past trauma, injury, or emotion that caused your body stress. These re-experiencing moments don’t occur for every person nor required for benefits of CST to be achieved. This is called SomatoEmotional Release. Its outcome is for greater physical and emotional health, as well as relief of symptoms.

Your body knows how to be the best version of itself. Craniosacral therapy gives your body opportunities to do so by allowing its own wisdom to be heard. It’s an honor for me to come along side you in this way.

About Myself

I have been a Registered Nurse since 1999 mostly in Critical Care. CST entered my world in 2019 when I underwent treatment for breast cancer. I found it extremely beneficial by being so gentle and relaxing. In addition to the anchors of my faith, family, and friends, this modality really showed how my nervous system could be “nudged” into a quieter state when it had been on high alert. At that time I knew I wanted to incorporate my professional and personal experiences in learning this modality to serve others.

My training has been through Upledger Institute International founded by John E. Upledger. I marvel at the body’s miraculous clues it gives through applying light touch and how these learned techniques can allow one’s body the ability to safely bring release and healing to itself. The more I offer my practice, the more I am in awe of how fearfully and wonderfully each person is made.

My husband and I have two sons. We have made Bozeman, MT our home since 1999. Our family enjoys the beauty and adventures of the outdoors.

Call or Text Amy at (406) 600-1321

Let Go, Unwind,

and Restore


  • My practice is in the comfort of my private home and takes place on a massage table.
  • You remain fully clothed during your session. The more comfortable your clothing, the more comfortable you’ll be.
  • My training spans and benefits those between the ages of 9 to 99.
  • No matter what your condition, I can design an individualized treatment plan to address your needs.


I look forward to serving you. If you are interested, a 75-minute session is requested.

CONTACT: Amy Riendeau

Call or text (406) 600-1321.

Please allow up to a 24 hr response time.

PRICE: $85.00 for 75 minutes. Payment accepted via cash, check and Venmo.